Code | Display | Definition | Comments | Version |
01 | en: DTP nl: DKT - difterie-kinkhoest-tetanus | | endiphtheria, tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine nl: difterie-kinkhoest-tetanus vaccin | added v2.3 |
02 | OPV | | enpoliovirus vaccine, live, oral nl: poliovirus vaccin, oraal | added v2.3 |
03 | en: MMR nl: BMR - bof, mazelen, rodehond | | enmeasles, mumps and rubella virus vaccine nl: bof, mazelen, rodehond virus vaccin | added v2.3 |
04 | M/R | | enmeasles and rubella virus vaccine nl: mazelen en rodehond virus vaccin | added v2.3 |
05 | en: measles nl: mazelen | | enmeasles virus vaccine nl: mazelen virus vaccin | added v2.3 |
06 | en: rubella nl: rodehond | | enrubella virus vaccine nl: rodehond virus vaccin | added v2.3 |
07 | en: mumps nl: bof | | enmumps virus vaccine nl: bof virus vaccin | added v2.3 |
08 | en: Hep B, adolescent or pediatric nl: Hep B, adolescent of pediatrie | | enhepatitis B vaccine, pediatric or pediatric/adolescent dosage nl: hepatitis B vaccin, pediatrie of pediatrie/adolescent dosering | added v2.3 |
09 | en: Td (adult) nl: DT - difterie en tetanus (volwassene) | | entetanus and diphtheria toxoids, adsorbed for adult use nl: tetanus en difterie toxoïde, geadsorbeerd, voor volwassen gebruik | added v2.3 |
10 | IPV | | enpoliovirus vaccine, inactivated nl: poliovirus vaccin, inactief | added v2.3 |
100 | en: pneumococcal conjugate nl: pneumokokken conjugaat | | enpneumococcal conjugate vaccine, polyvalent nl: pneumokokken conjugaat vaccin, polyvalent | added v2.4 |
101 | en: typhoid, ViCPs nl: tyfus, ViCPs | | entyphoid Vi capsular polysaccharide vaccine nl: tyfus Vi capsular polysaccharide vaccin | added v2.4 |
102 | en: DTP-Hib-Hep B nl: DKT-Hib-Hep B | | enDTP- Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate and hepatitis b vaccine nl: DKT-Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugaat en hepatitis b vaccin | added v2.5 |
103 | en: meningococcal C conjugate nl: meningokokken C conjugaat | | enmeningococcal C conjugate vaccine nl: meningokokken C conjugaat vaccin | added v2.5 |
104 | Hep A-Hep B | | enhepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine nl: hepatitis A en hepatitis B vaccin | added v2.5 |
105 | en: vaccinia (smallpox) diluted nl: vaccinia (pokken) verzwakt | | envaccinia (smallpox) vaccine, diluted nl: vaccinia (pokken) vaccin, verzwakt | added v2.5 |
106 | en: DTaP, 5 pertussis antigens6 nl: DaKT, 5 kinkhoest antigenen6 | | endiphtheria, tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine, 5 pertussis antigens nl: difterie, tetanus toxoïdes en acellulair kinkhoest vaccin, 5 kinkhoest antigenen | added v2.5 |
107 | en: DTaP, NOS nl: DaKT, niet anders gespecificeerd | | endiphtheria, tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine, NOS nl: difterie, tetanus toxoïdes en acellulair kinkhoest vaccin, niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.5 |
108 | en: meningococcal, NOS nl: meningokokken, niet anders gespecificeerd | | enmeningococcal vaccine, NOS nl: meningokokken vaccin, niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.5 |
109 | en: pneumococcal, NOS nl: pneumokokken, niet anders gespecificeerd | | enpneumococcal vaccine, NOS nl: pneumokokken vaccin, niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.5 |
11 | en: pertussis nl: kinkhoest | | enpertussis vaccine nl: kinkhoest vaccin | added v2.3 |
110 | en: DTaP-Hep B-IPV nl: DaKT-Hep B-IPV | | enDTaP-hepatitis B and poliovirus vaccine nl: DaKT-hepatitis B en poliovirus vaccin | added v2.6 |
111 | en: influenza, live, intranasal nl: influenza, levend, intranasaal | | eninfluenza virus vaccine, live, attenuated, for intranasal use nl: influenza virus vaccin, live, verzwakt, for intranasaal gebruik | added v2.6 |
112 | en: tetanus toxoid, NOS nl: tetanus toxoïde, niet anders gespecificeerd | | entetanus toxoid, NOS nl: tetanus toxoïde, niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.6 |
113 | en: Td (adult) nl: DT - difterie en tetanus (volwassene) | | entetanus and diphtheria toxoids, adsorbed, preservative free, for adult use nl: tetanus en difterie toxoïde, geadsorbeerd, zonder conserveringsmiddelen, voor volwassen gebruik | added v2.6 |
114 | en: meningococcal A,C,Y,W-135 diphtheria conjugate nl: meningokokken A,C,Y,W-135 difterie conjugaat | | enmeningococcal polysaccharide (groups A, C, Y and W-135) diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine (MCV4) nl: meningokokken polysaccharide (groepen A, C, Y en W-135) difterie toxoïde conjugaat vaccin (MCV4) | added v2.6 |
115 | en: Tdap nl: tetanus toxoïde, verminderde difterie toxoïde, en acellulaire kinkhoest | | entetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis vaccine, adsorbed nl: tetanus toxoïde, verminderde difterie toxoïde, en acellulaire kinkhoest vaccin, geadsorbeerd | added v2.6 |
116 | rotavirus, pentavalent | | enrotavirus, live, pentavalent vaccine nl: rotavirus, levend, pentavalent vaccin | added v2.6 |
117 | VZIG (IND) | | envaricella zoster immune globulin (Investigational New Drug) nl: varicella zoster immunoglobuline (Investigational New Drug) | added v2.6 |
118 | HPV, bivalent | | enhuman papilloma virus vaccine, bivalent nl: humaan papillomavirus vaccin, bivalent | added v2.6 |
119 | rotavirus, monovalent | | enrotavirus, live, monovalent vaccine nl: rotavirus, levend, monovalent vaccin | added v2.6 |
12 | en: diphtheria antitoxin nl: difterie antitoxine | | endiphtheria antitoxin nl: difterie antitoxine | added v2.3 |
120 | en: DTaP-Hib-IPV nl: DaKT-Hib-IPV | | endiphtheria, tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine, Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate, and poliovirus vaccine, inactivated (DTaP-Hib-IPV) nl: difterie, tetanus toxoïdes en acellulair kinkhoest vaccin, Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugaat, en poliovirus vaccin, inactief (DaKT-Hib-IPV) | added v2.6 |
121 | en: zoster nl: gordelroos | | enzoster vaccine, live nl: gordelroos vaccin, levend | added v2.6 |
122 | en: rotavirus, NOS1 nl: rotavirus, niet anders gespecificeerd1 | | enrotavirus vaccine, NOS nl: rotavirus vaccin, niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.6 |
13 | TIG | | entetanus immune globulin nl: tetanus immunoglobuline | added v2.3 |
14 | en: IG, NOS nl: IG, niet anders gespecificeerd | | enimmune globulin, NOS nl: immunoglobuline, niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.3 |
15 | en: influenza, split (incl. purified surface antigen) nl: influenza, gesplitst (incl. gezuiverd oppervlakte antigen) | | eninfluenza virus vaccine, split virus (incl. purified surface antigen) nl: influenza virus vaccin, gesplitst virus (incl. gezuiverd oppervlakte antigen) | added v2.3 |
16 | en: influenza, whole nl: influenza, geheel | | eninfluenza virus vaccine, whole virus nl: influenza virus vaccin, geheel virus | added v2.3 |
17 | en: Hib, NOS nl: Hib, niet anders gespecificeerd | | enHaemophilus influenzae type b vaccine, conjugate NOS nl: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccin, conjugaat niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.3 |
18 | en: rabies, intramuscular injection nl: hondsdolheid, intramusculaire injectie | | enrabies vaccine, for intramuscular injection nl: hondsdolheid vaccin, voor intramusculair injectie | added v2.3 |
19 | BCG | | enBacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine nl: Bacillus van Calmette & Guerin vaccin | added v2.3 |
20 | en: DTaP nl: DaKT -difterie-acellulaire kinkhoest-tetanus | | endiphtheria, tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine nl: difterie-tetanus-acellulaire kinkhoest vaccin | added v2.3 |
21 | varicella | | envaricella virus vaccine nl: varicella virus vaccin | added v2.3 |
22 | en: DTP-Hib nl: DKT-Hib | | enDTP-Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine nl: DKT-Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugaat vaccin | added v2.3 |
23 | en: plague nl: pest | | enplague vaccine nl: pest vaccin | added v2.3 |
24 | en: anthrax nl: miltvuur | | enanthrax vaccine nl: miltvuur vaccin | added v2.3 |
25 | en: typhoid, oral nl: tyfus, oral | | entyphoid vaccine, live, oral nl: tyfus vaccin, levend, oral | added v2.3 |
26 | cholera | | encholera vaccine nl: cholera vaccin | added v2.3 |
27 | en: botulinum antitoxin nl: botulisme antitoxine | | enbotulinum antitoxin nl: botulisme antitoxine | added v2.3 |
28 | en: DT (pediatric) nl: DT - difterie-tetanus (pediatrie) | | endiphtheria and tetanus toxoids, adsorbed for pediatric use nl: difterie en tetanus toxoïde, geadsorbeerd voor pediatrie gebruik | added v2.3 |
29 | CMVIG | | encytomegalovirus immune globulin, intravenous nl: cytomegalovirus immunoglobuline, intraveneus | added v2.3 |
30 | HBIG | | enhepatitis B immune globulin nl: hepatitis B immunoglobuline | added v2.3 |
31 | en: Hep A, pediatric, NOS nl: Hep A, pediatrie, niet anders gespecificeerd | | enhepatitis A vaccine, pediatric dosage, NOS nl: hepatitis A vaccin, pediatrie dosering, niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.3 |
32 | en: meningococcal nl: meningokokken | | enmeningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (MPSV4) nl: meningokokken polysaccharide vaccin (MPSV4) | added v2.3 |
33 | en: pneumococcal nl: pneumokokken | | enpneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine nl: pneumokokken polysaccharide vaccin | added v2.3 |
34 | en: RIG nl: hondsdolheid immunoglobuline | | enrabies immune globulin nl: hondsdolheid immunoglobuline | added v2.3 |
35 | en: tetanus toxoid nl: tetanus toxoïde | | entetanus toxoid, adsorbed nl: tetanus toxoïde, geadsorbeerd | added v2.3 |
36 | VZIG | | envaricella zoster immune globulin nl: varicella zoster immunoglobuline | added v2.3 |
37 | en: yellow fever nl: gele koorts | | enyellow fever vaccine nl: gele koorts vaccin | added v2.3 |
38 | en: rubella/mumps nl: rodehond/bof | | enrubella and mumps virus vaccine nl: rodehond en bof virus vaccin | added v2.3 |
39 | en: Japanese encephalitis nl: Japanse encefalitis | | enJapanese encephalitis vaccine nl: Japanse encefalitis | added v2.3 |
40 | en: rabies, intradermal injection nl: hondsdolheid, intradermale injectie | | enrabies vaccine, for intradermal injection nl: hondsdolheid vaccin, voor intradermale injectie | added v2.3 |
41 | en: typhoid, parenteral nl: tyfus, parenteraal | | entyphoid vaccine, parenteral, other than acetone-killed, dried nl: tyfus vaccin, parenteraal, anders dan aceton-gedood, gedroogd | added v2.3 |
42 | en: Hep B, adolescent/high risk infant2 nl: Hep B, adolescent/hoogrisico zuigeling2 | | enhepatitis B vaccine, adolescent/high risk infant dosage nl: hepatitis B vaccin, adolescent/hoogrisico zuigeling2 | added v2.3 |
43 | en: Hep B, adult4 nl: Hep B, volwassen4 | | enhepatitis B vaccine, adult dosage nl: hepatitis B vaccin, volwassen dosering | added v2.3 |
44 | en: Hep B, dialysis nl: Hep B, dialyse | | enhepatitis B vaccine, dialysis patient dosage nl: hepatitis B vaccin, dialysepatiënt dosering | added v2.3 |
45 | en: Hep B, NOS nl: Hep B, niet anders gespecificeerd | | enhepatitis B vaccine, NOS nl: hepatitis B vaccin, niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.3 |
46 | Hib (PRP-D) | | enHaemophilus influenzae type b vaccine, PRP-D conjugate nl: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccin, PRP-D conjugaat | added v2.3 |
47 | Hib (HbOC) | | enHaemophilus influenzae type b vaccine, HbOC conjugate nl: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccin, HbOC conjugaat | added v2.3 |
48 | Hib (PRP-T) | | enHaemophilus influenzae type b vaccine, PRP-T conjugate nl: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccin, PRP-T conjugaat | added v2.3 |
49 | Hib (PRP-OMP) | | enHaemophilus influenzae type b vaccine, PRP-OMP conjugate nl: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccin, PRP-OMP conjugaat | added v2.3 |
50 | en: DTaP-Hib nl: DaKT-Hib | | enDTaP-Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine nl: DaKT - Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugaat | added v2.3 |
51 | Hib-Hep B | | enHaemophilus influenzae type b conjugate and Hepatitis B vaccine nl: Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugaat - Heb-B | added v2.3 |
52 | en: Hep A, adult nl: Hep A, volwassene | | enhepatitis A vaccine, adult dosage nl: hepatitis A vaccin, volwassen dosering | added v2.3 |
53 | en: typhoid, parenteral, AKD (U.S. military) nl: tyfus, parenteraal, AKD (Amerikaanse leger) | | entyphoid vaccine, parenteral, acetone-killed, dried (U.S. military) nl: tyfus vaccin, parenteraal, aceton-gedood, gedroogd (Amerikaanse leger) | added v2.3.1 |
54 | adenovirus, type 4 | | enadenovirus vaccine, type 4, live, oral nl: adenovirus vaccin, type 4, levend, oraal | added v2.3.1 |
55 | adenovirus, type 7 | | enadenovirus vaccine, type 7, live, oral nl: adenovirus vaccin, type 7, levend, oraal | added v2.3.1 |
56 | en: dengue fever nl: knokkelkoorts | | endengue fever vaccine nl: knokkelkoorts vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
57 | hantavirus | | enhantavirus vaccine nl: hantavirus vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
58 | Hep C | | enhepatitis C vaccine nl: hepatitis C vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
59 | Hep E | | enhepatitis E vaccine nl: hepatitis E vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
60 | herpes simplex 2 | | enherpes simplex virus, type 2 vaccine nl: herpes simplex virus, type 2 vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
61 | HIV | | enhuman immunodeficiency virus vaccine nl: human immunodeficiency virus vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
62 | HPV, quadrivalent | | enhuman papilloma virus vaccine, quadrivalent nl: humaan papillomavirus vaccin, quadrivalent | added v2.3.1 |
63 | en: Junin virus nl: Junín virus | | enJunin virus vaccine nl: Junín virus vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
64 | en: leishmaniasis nl: leishmaniase | | enleishmaniasis vaccine nl: leishmaniase vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
65 | en: leprosy nl: lepra | | enleprosy vaccine nl: lepra vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
66 | en: Lyme disease nl: ziekte van Lyme | | enLyme disease vaccine nl: ziekte van Lyme vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
67 | malaria | | enmalaria vaccine nl: malaria vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
68 | en: melanoma nl: melanoom | | enmelanoma vaccine nl: melanoom vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
69 | parainfluenza-3 | | enparainfluenza-3 virus vaccine nl: parainfluenza-3 virus vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
70 | en: Q fever nl: Q-koorts | | enQ fever vaccine nl: Q-koorts vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
71 | RSV-IGIV | | enrespiratory syncytial virus immune globulin, intravenous nl: respiratory syncytial virus immunoglobuline intraveneus | added v2.3.1 |
72 | en: rheumatic fever nl: reumatische koorts | | enrheumatic fever vaccine nl: reumatische koorts vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
73 | en: Rift Valley fever nl: Riftdalkoorts | | enRift Valley fever vaccine nl: Riftdalkoorts vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
74 | rotavirus, tetravalent | | enrotavirus, live, tetravalent vaccine nl: rotavirus, levend, tetravalent vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
75 | en: vaccinia (smallpox) nl: vaccinia (pokken) | | envaccinia (smallpox) vaccine nl: vaccinia (pokken) vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
76 | Staphylococcus bacterio lysate | | Staphylococcus bacteriophage lysate | added v2.3.1 |
77 | en: tick-borne encephalitis nl: frühsommer-meningoenzephalitis vaccin | | entick-borne encephalitis vaccine nl: frühsommer-meningoenzephalitis vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
78 | en: tularemia vaccine nl: tularemia vaccin | | entularemia vaccine nl: tularemia vaccin | added v2.3.1 |
79 | en: vaccinia immune globulin nl: vaccinia immunoglobuline | | envaccinia immune globulin nl: vaccinia immunoglobuline | added v2.3.1 |
80 | en: VEE, live nl: VEE, levend | | enVenezuelan equine encephalitis, live, attenuated nl: Venezolaanse equïene encefalitis, levend, verzwakt | added v2.3.1 |
81 | en: VEE, inactivated nl: VEE, inactief | | enVenezuelan equine encephalitis, inactivated nl: Venezolaanse equïene encefalitis, inactief | added v2.3.1 |
82 | en: adenovirus, NOS1 nl: adenovirus, niet anders gespecificeerd1 | | enadenovirus vaccine, NOS nl: adenovirus vaccin, niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.3.1 |
83 | en: Hep A, ped/adol, 2 dose nl: Hep A, ped/adol, 2 dosis | | enhepatitis A vaccine, pediatric/adolescent dosage, 2 dose schedule nl: hepatitis A vaccin, pediatrie/adolescent dosering, 2 dosis schema | added v2.3.1 |
84 | en: Hep A, ped/adol, 3 dose nl: Hep A, ped/adol, 3 dosis | | enhepatitis A vaccine, pediatric/adolescent dosage, 3 dose schedule nl: hepatitis A vaccin, pediatrie/adolescent dosering, 3 dosis schema | added v2.3.1 |
85 | en: Hep A, NOS nl: Hep A, niet anders gespecificeerd | | enhepatitis A vaccine, NOS nl: hepatitis A vaccin, niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.3.1 |
86 | IG | | enimmune globulin, intramuscular nl: immunoglobuline, intramusculair | added v2.3.1 |
87 | IGIV | | enimmune globulin, intravenous nl: immunoglobuline, intraveneus | added v2.3.1 |
88 | en: influenza, NOS nl: influenza, niet anders gespecificeerd | | eninfluenza virus vaccine, NOS nl: influenza virus vaccin, niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.3.1 |
89 | en: polio, NOS nl: polio, niet anders gespecificeerd | | enpoliovirus vaccine, NOS nl: poliovirus vaccin, niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.3.1 |
90 | en: rabies, NOS nl: hondsdolheid, niet anders gespecificeerd | | enrabies vaccine, NOS nl: hondsdolheid vaccin, niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.3.1 |
91 | en: typhoid, NOS nl: tyfus, niet anders gespecificeerd | | entyphoid vaccine, NOS nl: tyfus vaccin, niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.3.1 |
92 | en: VEE, NOS nl: VEE, niet anders gespecificeerd | | enVenezuelan equine encephalitis vaccine, NOS nl: Venezolaanse equïene encefalitis, niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.3.1 |
93 | RSV-MAb | | enrespiratory syncytial virus monoclonal antibody (palivizumab), intramuscular nl: respiratory syncytial virus monoclonal antibody (palivizumab), intramusculair | added v2.4 |
94 | en: MMRV nl: BMRV - bof, mazelen, rodehond en varicella | | enmeasles, mumps, rubella, and varicella virus vaccine nl: bof, mazelen, rodehond en varicella virus vaccin | added v2.4 |
95 | TST-OT tine test | | tuberculin skin test; old tuberculin, multipuncture device | added v2.4 |
96 | TST-PPD intradermal | | tuberculin skin test; purified protein derivative solution, intradermal | added v2.4 |
97 | TST-PPD tine test | | tuberculin skin test; purified protein derivative, multipuncture device | added v2.4 |
98 | en: TST, NOS nl: TST, niet anders gespecificeerd | | entuberculin skin test; NOS nl: tuberculin skin test; niet anders gespecificeerd | added v2.4 |
99 | en: RESERVED - do not use3 nl: GERESERVEERD - niet gebruiken3 | | enRESERVED - do not use nl: GERESERVEERD - niet gebruiken | added v2.4 |
998 | en: no vaccine administered5 nl: geen vaccin toegediend5 | | enno vaccine administered nl: geen vaccin toegediend | added v2.5 |
999 | en: unknown nl: onbekend | | enunknown vaccine or immune globulin nl: onbekend vaccin of immunoglobuline | added v2.4 |